Adekan: Vol. 6 Extra Chapter (aka Ch. 26.5)

exAdekan Volume 6 Extra Chapter (aka Ch. 26.5): MEGA | Box

Hello everyone! Here’s our last Adekan chapter for the month! Yup, we’re releasing slower now because we’re currently still trying to find the balance between taking care of real-life business and scanlating Volume 7. We’ve got no choice, really :-/ We’re just your average full-time college students and employees. *sigh* It’s not an excuse! And we want nobody’s pity! We just want to tell you guys that it’s frustrating to have to put aside this project because we have so little time to do everything…

27 thoughts on “Adekan: Vol. 6 Extra Chapter (aka Ch. 26.5)

  1. Yaaay thanks so much! This was super cute. ^^ And real life sucks. You work so hard that you don’t even have the energy to do what you want in your free time. boo.

  2. thank you soooo much for bringing this lovely interesting manga to us! Please don’t apologize for having a life. I know you’ll get to Adekan when you can; I’m just very grateful that you’re doing this.

  3. Pingback: Jan 26th 2014 | rhainet's

  4. Thank you for the extra!!
    I’m a little confused here. Shouldn’t chapter 25 be longer?, If you look at the TOC it looks like it has 40 pages but I only got 20 pages, did I got an incomplete file? I tried several times, though.

    • Dear one, you’re a sharp one xD I thought no one would read the table of content but we scanlated it nonetheless. So the extra manga here is actually the 20 pages after Chapter 25. I decided to pack them together with the roughly drawn short manga because of reasons. So rest assured, you’re not missing anything. πŸ™‚

      • Oh, ok, Thank you for the reply :). Sometimes my OCD strike too hard for my own good :S. Thank you again for the great work on this series and don’t worry about being slow, real life should come first always.

  5. Thank you for what you’ve already released so far. It’s quite impressive as it is. πŸ™‚ No apologies necessary. I look forward to when you guys get the chance to work on this title again. I’m just grateful for all your hard work! Thanks for making this a nice weekend! πŸ™‚

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